Your IP is and you are using a IPv4 connection. Detailed test of your IPv6 connectivity is available at

Украинская сеть обмена трафиком Украинская сеть обмена трафиком
Дочернее Предприятие "UA-IX":
01025 Украина, г.Киев, О.Гончара, 15/3, офис 22,
Тел./факс: 278-29-25
E-mail: dir [at]

In Network UA-IX there is begun introduction IPv6

In Network UA-IX process of testing of report IPv6 is started. Among the first companies, made the decision on participation in testing – "Will stamp" also "Datagrup". They have established IPv6 BGP-connection with router UA-IX where the exchange of the routeing information between them is carried out.
Necessity of introduction of report IPv6 for Network UA-IX is caused by begun process by transition of the world Internet on the new report in connection with deficiency of address space within the limits of IPv4. In the new version of report IPv6 32 bits as in IPv4, and 128 bits that allows to prevent a problem of exhaustion of Internet addresses which on the old version of the report presumably would come in 2010-2011 the New version of the report support 340 секстиллионов addresses (3,4 x1038), or on 5x1028 addresses on each person living today on a planet are allocated for one address not.
Many companies, rendering services of Internet access, conduct active preparation for future changes. Traditionally anticipating requirements of Participants of the Network, UA-IX has taken a confident step on a way to the future in the form of realisation IPv6 on the Network.
Simultaneously in Network UA-IX support of 32-bit numbers of independent systems is introduced.
The additional information on conditions of connection and tariffs – on official site UA-IX to
ДП «the Ukrainian Network of an exchange of the traffic» (UA-IX) - branch the Internet of Association of Ukraine, created on the basis of a network of an exchange working since August, 2000 with the same name the traffic.
The purpose of creation UA-IX - maintenance of the maximum connectivity of networks of the Ukrainian providers and the organisation of an effective exchange of the traffic between them on the shortest routes, without an exit in foreign networks. Now UA-IX unites 90 Participants among whom it is a lot of from regions of Ukraine.